
This account is going dark. Full explanation in my profile. I'm unpublishing in-progress stories and they MIGHT eventually be republished on AO3. If that happens, I'll come back to let everyone know the screen name. I'll leave all of my completed stories up with the exception of 'One Woman's Flaw, Another's Treasure.' That's being removed because I'm done with deleting racist comments and I don't want to risk others being subjected to hate in the comments section now that I'm no longer policing it. Final request from me? Be kind humans. 


@antisocialwonder88 I love you stories and I'm sad to see you go. I completely understand and you have to care of your mental health. You're right it's toxic and it sucks that in 2023 racism is still out there.  Hopefully, when you're ready you post on AO3.  Congrats on the move and out of the country that must be exciting. Hope everything works out and we hear from you.


I hope you come back. Panic attacks are real. I get them, they lead to me having a seizure. Please take care of yourself. I do hope you come back to writing. Love your stories on Samcro. Huge fan of soa. Wonderful stories and writing. Please let us know if you come back. Thank you 


this message may be offensive
It sucks to read that but just know I still support your writing I hope you do continue writin... I'm happy that it wasn't a heart attack even though I do know panic attacks aren't really much better cuz I get them too... I fucking hate people who troll and fuck with people's mental health... I feel like the internet has made it harder for people with mental issues cuz of all the trolls and fucking bullies... I hope you can find peace and enjoy life


This account is going dark. Full explanation in my profile. I'm unpublishing in-progress stories and they MIGHT eventually be republished on AO3. If that happens, I'll come back to let everyone know the screen name. I'll leave all of my completed stories up with the exception of 'One Woman's Flaw, Another's Treasure.' That's being removed because I'm done with deleting racist comments and I don't want to risk others being subjected to hate in the comments section now that I'm no longer policing it. Final request from me? Be kind humans. 


@antisocialwonder88 I love you stories and I'm sad to see you go. I completely understand and you have to care of your mental health. You're right it's toxic and it sucks that in 2023 racism is still out there.  Hopefully, when you're ready you post on AO3.  Congrats on the move and out of the country that must be exciting. Hope everything works out and we hear from you.