
Happy Pride ️‍ Love whoever you want, you are so valid :))


To the small amount of people who I follow or follow me I want to ask a Queen’s Gambit question!! The end of the show/book is pretty open to ones imagination, but I just wanted to ask, IF Beth had to end up with anyone who do you think would be the best long term? Or idk the most romantic? Or whatever. I want your input 
          Another question, I have opinions but I also want to know yours. Do you think Townes is lgbtq+ or Gay, Queer, Ace or something else along those lines? People say their love was unrequited or more platonic, but what do you think?


Pt. 2! Then there’s also Harry.  I think out of all Beth’s “contestants” Harry is the least probable one that could end up in a relationship with Beth. Like I mentioned about Townes and Benny, I think Harry will serve as a beneficial and important friend to Beth, but I didn’t think they’ll end up in a romantic relationship. Primarily because I don’t think Harry will satisfy Beth in a romantic relationship, and he will end up loving her emotionally more then Beth will, and Beth might break his heart because of that.
            It’s very possible that Beth will not start a romantic relationship with any of the men mentioned previously and will remain good friends with all of them but stay independent. Probably because she knows that her behavior can be volatile at times and she doesn’t want to drag anyone else down with her if she has some sort of relapse.
            And of course, there’s Cleo. I really don’t think Beth will end up with her, mostly because I think she is still traumatized by whatever happened between the in Paris. Also because Beth May be afraid to admit her sexuality to herself. (I think Beth is def bicurious but isn’t sure of it herself) she and Cleo will remain friends imo and respect each other’s boundaries from what happened in Paris.
            Sorry for the long answer!


Pt 1! Great questions! Personally I’m a huge Beth x Benny fan so I want them to end up together. But if we’re going by what is suggested in the story, there’s a couple things that could happen. 
            First I bet Beth and Benny would fix any lose ties in their relationship and forgive each other, leading to either a platonic relationship or romantic relationship. I think out of all men, Beth and Benny have the most probability to end up together. I think they match each other’s energy and passion, and they seem to be on the same level mentally/intellectually.
            But the there’s Townes, which if I’m remembering what happened in the show correctly, I think their last encounter was a platonic one. Personally I think they are nothing more then good friends, despite Beth’s crush she had as a schoolgirl and up into adulthood. But you never know, Beth and Townes could end up in a relationship. However, something about Townes’ sexuality that was alluded to in the series makes me think they won’t end up in a romantic/sexual relationship. (I’m not completely sure what his sexuality is, but I would guess he is unlabeled bi/gay/pan/queer)


Anyone who sees this can you answer my question please!!! Ok so, let’s say someone is writing something, a story, a fan fic of the sorts and they want it to be multiple parts per say. How long does a person make 1 chapter, I am asking for a friend 


@-b00y0uwh0r3 thank u sm. This is very helpful because I want my chapters to be long enough, but not too long 


Yeah what she said. For me since I’m writing a story that already exists I have to make sure each episode fits into four parts, making them about 2400 words which is long imo. But if you’re writing a story for pleasure that doesn’t need a specific structure you can stop whenever you feel is a good place to stop, or you don’t want to reveal too much until the next part 


hiii :))) thank you for voting on my story and putting it in your reading list!! <3


actually, i was stalking your page because you have such a great reading list so i was reading all the books there then i saw my book there and i was like omg hahahaha


Yes of course you’re writing is great!!!