The other day I was very seriously contemplating suicide. Had I received a mesaage like this then, I legitimately believe I would have attempted to take my own life. Unfortunately for you, two daya ago a little girl saved me. I didn't even know her- yet as we passed each other she said I was handsome and deserved to live. Just like that.
As Wattpad becomes more populated, the amoumt of times I see hate is becoming more frequent. Often, after my initial fury at seeing the cruel messages dies down, I wonder what in your life has made you so heartless, bitter, and cold that you feel compelled to tell someone that they are not beautiful or undeserving of life. I have failed to think of anything. I can find no reasons for such inhumanity.
3 weeks ago, a 13 year old girl from my town commited suicide because she was being bullied. The amount of people it affected is astounding. Her father is going to walk her down the aisle in a coffin as oppose to a beautiful, white wending dress. He is probably going to cry himself to sleep tonight just like he has done ever since she died. He still remembers holding her the day she was born and promising to protect her no matter what.
Her mom is never going to teach her how to put her new born baby to sleep.
She is never going to have her first kiss. Have sex. Travel the world. Feel the rush of relief as she finishes her final exam. Turn eighteen. Have a baby. Feel anxious when her child goes to school for the first time.
Someone murdered her with their words. Someone like you.
I am naive to think you will never send hate again, but please learn a few things from my response.
1. It takes a few kind words to save someones life.
2. It takes a few cruel words to take someones life.