
Just an FYI! I'm moving into my first apartment (EXCITED YET TERRIFIED) so I'm hoping to have an update up by Saturday. My updates are going to be once a week, as I start my second year of college on Monday! I don't have much class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so one of those will be my update days, it is TBD. I basically have the end of the story written, but now it's just sorting out everything in the middle. Thanks for sticking with it!


Just an FYI! I'm moving into my first apartment (EXCITED YET TERRIFIED) so I'm hoping to have an update up by Saturday. My updates are going to be once a week, as I start my second year of college on Monday! I don't have much class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so one of those will be my update days, it is TBD. I basically have the end of the story written, but now it's just sorting out everything in the middle. Thanks for sticking with it!