
Just uploaded Ch. 14! Woot woot! I'm on a roll! ;)


I know it's been a few days, guys, and I'm really sorry. I'm pretty-ing up the draft of Ch. 13 for you all right now, so bear with me for a few hours and it should be posted before evening. Thanks for your patience!


  *blushes* Hey, @Lil_Ki10, it's nice to meet you. :) @MommyMagic has told me so much about you! Actually not really. That's a lie. She's told me a smidge about you and then I got all awkward and embarrassed and glanced away from the lap top for a couple minutes to regain my cool composure, feeling kinda like she ditched me at the bar at closing time...JUST KIDDING @MommyMagic, you know I heart you! Anyway, enough about me, tell me about you!! You should take a 'lil sneaky peak at my story and let me know what you think :) -Ari


Ari, I'd like to introduce you to @Lil_Ki10.  Ki, meet @arianaz88.  Ari, Ki is a magnificent reader.  We're reading someone else's work at the same time and I ADORE her comments.  She's funny & insightful &, franklly, just an all around hoot.  Ki, Ari is just starting out here.  She's writing a ghost story + mystery.  So far, I'm truly enjoying it.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the characters. :D
          You two chat . . . have fun! (No 'blind date' pressure or anything. LOL)