
Welcome to Lion Community!
          Lions are a species of cats found together in prides. Our pride of lions are here to help you, be with you, help your talents and show your inner lion. 
          The name of this community was inspired by the song Lion by (G)I-DLE.
          The concept has its own meaning, though lions are intimidating, wild predators, they also help their pride by giving them all the essentials they need.
          Hiring for all roles!
          So press the read button and join our pride!


Thanks for voting on my book.....
          I hope you enjoy reading it.....


            I'm gonna upload next part of my book after my exams are over and you don't have to be sorry for writing such a long paragrap,  I feel very happy knowing that you felt excited over my book and it's plot. And you writing a big paragraph to express your opinion on my book makes me happy , I enjoy reading messages of all my readers and it motivates me more to write my book for you all...


@aridhri @aridhri paragraph*** sorry***(+_+) again sorry.. hehehe


@Misskim0823 yeah I'm enjoying it.. and i love the story.. but waiting impatiently for the next part!! And i am excited to know will Yn gonna fall for taehyung As her husband or she'll love yoongi oppa..when you'll upload the next part!? ( Well i know it's taehyung ff but you know some ff's turn out like Yn ended up with another second character.. like you know some authors choose another character as her FT. So hehe )  NVM but post the part soon.. we readers are waiting and keep writing like this.. your writing skills are great!! Sorry if I wrote too big parasorry T-T♡


Thanks for reading and voting my book!☺️❤️


@Reethutae3012 yep why not ( ^_^ )


@aridhri let's talk in private chat then (。◕‿◕。)➜


@Reethutae3012 lol!! me tooh  i have nothing to do... So looking for a story to read...