bish you thought i was gonna release it. HAHAHA no. sorry i didnt intend that to sound rude but i wont be publishing the story anymore. looking back on it, ive realized it was horrible and i totally messed it up sooo IM STARTING A NEW ONE. it will be kpop related so all you non kpop lovers are going to have to suffer :))). it will probably be released within two weeks or so because im a slow af writer. thanks for reading and see you then. baiiii.
okay hi, so i have new story coming out that will have all parts completed so get ready for like 8k words to read. woo~ reading. anyways, i hope you all are having a wonderful summer and the story will be coming out tomorrow. thanks! baiiii.
Hai There, so you might've noticed a change in my whole account. That's because I changed it to a more kpop/anime account. Sorry about the sudden change and innactiveness for two months but more content soon. thanks.
So um... You might notice the change of my profile picture but don't worry I'm only having it for the rest of the month....actually I'm
not sure. Eh. Just know the Claude profile picture will come back...eventually.