
lowkey lovin my profile's new look


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Brett Kavanaugh is on the supreme court. 
          I heard the news by accident, touching the dial on the radio to look for music. I told him to pull over. He held my shoulders, hands ready to hold back my hair as I tried not to vomit, because they knew. Every single fucking one of those senators knew what happened. There is not one piece of evidence that goes against Dr. Ford's testimonial. What hit me the hardest, thought, was when she talked about the way the brain sometimes locks up memories, forces neurons to die, so that you literally can't remember. 
          I know what that's like.
          I thought that she would win, and I would have that to comfort me as I walk down the hallways of my school, trying to ignore the stares landed on my chest. As I debate with the boys around me, and my goal is for someone to take me seriously instead of laughing me off like I'm some inside joke, telling me that I shouldn't worry about it, as if it's there fucking place to decide. As I walk through the streets of my city with my backpack slung over one shoulder so no one can grab me by it. Internally reviewing the kickboxing lessons I took a year ago in case I have to use them.
          I lost a lot of faith in our government today. This is real. Wake up.


Who wants a Gerard Way fic, but actually realistic, not "omigod i jus woke up today and my parents magically got tickets for mcr by the way i hate then they're super abusive and made me cut and then GeArD wAy saw me in the crowd and asked me to live with him and join mcr and the next day he divorced with lindsey and proposed."


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ugh i wore 2 sports bras that were too small all day cuz i couldn't stand the dysphoria anymore and now my back hurts and cramps cuz there's blood coming out of my fucking vagina and i'm so confused


Thank you for voting on crybaby! It means a lot to me:)


@CeruleanStarsIssy thank you!! I hope your day goes great too❤


@CeruleanStarsIssy ahh I'm so glad it made you happy. Crybaby is an excellent book! I hope your day goes well, guy/gal/nonbinary pal


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All the tøp updates to the site happening to fast... then the cryptic email! I've literally spent the past 45 minutes repeating holy fuck again and again while scrolling through reddit conspiracy threads. I was going to make myself go to sleep because I've been running on less than 4 hours a night for the past week, and I am EXHAUSTED but haha screw than I'M WAITING FOR YOU JOSH DUN