
So, after the long needed break on writing Drecking, I decided to get back to it. So expect some updates, we’re making this book looong baby. I would be honored if you decide to buy the paperbacks from amazon, tho. Anyways, I just decided to announce everyone that is not the end. Not even close. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting!!


@squadlvss You are so sweet!! THANK YOU!! <3


@blueveins900  At first I was unsure if Drecking would be my kind of story, but from the moment I started it I was hooked. It got me through an entire week of boredom,  and while I now do have to reread it, I would like to say good job on writing such a wonderfully detailed and entertaining story, and please feel free to take all the breaks you need! However, I would like to say that I look forward to more chapters, and it is completely okay for you to take a break <3


Heyy dear writer,
          I have read a few of your works and had to reach out. I am absolutely in love with your writing style and how your books have the ability to suck your readers into a world that makes reality fade away for a few moments. I'm reaching out from an editing agency named The Script Surgeons, regarding your books.
           We specialize in editing and would love to discuss how we can assist in refining your work. Our team offers tailored editing services to enhance your manuscript's quality and appeal. 
           Are you open to a conversation about this?
          You can contact us on instagram on @divyx_11 or via email on
          Best wishes, 
          Divya Goyal
          Editing team


So, after the long needed break on writing Drecking, I decided to get back to it. So expect some updates, we’re making this book looong baby. I would be honored if you decide to buy the paperbacks from amazon, tho. Anyways, I just decided to announce everyone that is not the end. Not even close. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting!!


@squadlvss You are so sweet!! THANK YOU!! <3


@blueveins900  At first I was unsure if Drecking would be my kind of story, but from the moment I started it I was hooked. It got me through an entire week of boredom,  and while I now do have to reread it, I would like to say good job on writing such a wonderfully detailed and entertaining story, and please feel free to take all the breaks you need! However, I would like to say that I look forward to more chapters, and it is completely okay for you to take a break <3


I just wanted to take my time and say this : PLEASE DO NOT SHAME KINK. This book will have so many kinks it's honestly hard to even count them, but if you do comment rude things about their preferences, I'll mute you. Thank you for reading this important message, kisses.


@blueveins900 this is so late but, hugs 


I updated the cast, check it out. This is not a Harry fanfic, as you know, he just appears in the book with another name.


@esnyinev I was forced to delete, since the book is getting published and I don’t have any rights over the photos. But keep in mind that Nick is played by long-haired Harry version :)


where’s the cast?


Hi! You can hate Lev all you want right now in this book. Totally understandable, I do too. But this is a character development story,  you will end up loving him sooner than later. He is the way he is for a reason. A HORRIBLE one, I don't want to give you any spoilers. But he will change, trust me. XXX