Friends! Long time no see! I come bearing the most excellent news!
Remember that debauched, gruesome, some called ‘disgusting’ vampire novella I wrote last year? The one that longlisted in the ONC and then was scrubbed from the site for “content violations” five months AFTER it was already reviewed by ambs and up in its entirely? It was called Slaughter? Remember that little gem?
Well, it’s been acquired by Black Rose, the erotic horror/dark imprint of the gothic horror indie press, Quill & Crow Publishing, under the title A THING DIVINE! And we’re pushing for an October release. Of this year! Just in time for spooky season! You can see the official announcement on the Q&C IG account, @quillandcrowpublishinghouse. I also posted something on both my Rian Adara IG and Threads accounts @rianadarabooks.
I’m so excited to not only bring this puppy to life, because I was going to self publish it anyway, but to have it in the capable hands of Q&C who puts out absolutely gorgeous work. If you want to stay up to date on all the details for A THING DIVINE and get them first, make sure to sign up for my newsletter at Things are going to move fast between now and the end of the year! I can’t wait!