
Hello! I was wondering if you could send me the PDF file of the novel "After Marriage With a Disabled Gangster".I would like to translate it into Portuguese, but I can't find it anywhere.That's why I would like to know if you could provide her PDF file in English, so that I can translate it, obviously I would give you the due credits and mark your profile. 


Hi Everyone! I am looking for A story I forgot the title and now I want to re-read it again. It about an actor who sleep with someone in the higher ups to pay for her brother debt. The guys he sleeps with calls him rabbit I think? The other guy  I think have adopted son. He's an actor with a heart disease. He was reborn in his last life he died of heart attack I think.  Sorry I can't explain well im not goof in english language. Does anybody know the title it a bl story.


Hii awsm_oliee,,,I'm a big fan of your novels,,,I very eagerly waiting for the update of novel in second life I wanted to be a salted fish,,,can u please update the original MTL link of this novel,,,please author sama


suree,,I always waiting for ur updates author sama


@TejasviPonneganti I just saw your message now! Sry abt that! I am now very busy with my projects from sch, so i havent checked my wattpad in a while. And thank you for supporting the novels from my channel. Sadly, the one u want to read is my original novel. I havent saved many manuscripts yet. And i guess it might take a bit longer.Im rlly sorry abt that! But fret not, i will come back again when i have time. Again thank u for supporting me.❤