i hate my stupid best friend, my stupid guy best friend, my stupid uncle, and that one random guy i met at an overnight camp when i was 11 FOR GETTING ME INTO ANIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
i hate my stupid best friend, my stupid guy best friend, my stupid uncle, and that one random guy i met at an overnight camp when i was 11 FOR GETTING ME INTO ANIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
@axlrosesbandana is what I posted yesterday on my board, although I love Axl too much, he was a bit dumb to choose partners, he deserves someone better ♡ (Like me LOL) I read that Stephanie lived in New York, Axl was in London and bought her an elephant stuffed animal and paid 10,000 dollars to have the stuffed animal delivered to her on a Jet. I really hate her a lot
@axlrosesbandana hahaha I agree with you, Erin seemed like a nice person but she cheated on him with Izzy, Axl did a lot of things for Stephanie and the witch only made him suffer for being unfaithful. It makes me angry because Axl accepted her with her son and yet she still dared to be an idiot with him. For all I care, she can go to hell. As for Beta, she is an incredible woman, they should get married haha
@SoyIzzyStradlinNO Axls doing great. As far as he's let on, and with everything Betas said. definately, fuck stephanie lmfao i hate her. I get Erin, but she was also a bit of a bitch, Miscarriage and didn't give a fuck, steph cheated. He has an interesting taste in women
i hate insomniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its currently 1 in the morning where i am and im so fucling bored but can't write tonight because i dislocated my finger and dont feel like doing text to voice for three and a half hours
Its picture day tomorrow and im currently up and 2AM studying for a french test i have in the morning and i havent payed attention to those classes since the fourth grade... Oh and i also have a math test too