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13 FACTS ABOUT ME ; tagged by @psaurxn Rules; — it is necessary to post all the rules — You have to say 13 things about yourself — You can't refuse — You shall complete this in one week, or given punishment by the tagger — You shall tag 15 other people to do this - 1 - i'm very short, i'm in high school and everyone is like a foot taller than me - 2 - i sing ALL THE TIME and people get annoyed with it :)) - 3 - i have rin matsuoka's hair color from free! - 4 - my school has a day where we just go clean up a place in town so my class went to go clean out local camp and i discovered a ghost and had to vacuum a shit ton of bugs and i cried :)) - 5 - i love animals a lot, my favorite animal is an axolotl and i'm too lazy to take care of one :(( - 6 - i want to either become a choir teacher or an idol - 7 - i'm on the dance team, speech team, and acting team at my school - 8 - i am the youngest in my family (and the shortest obviously) - 9 - i scored a 99/100 on a state test recently - 10 - i went tanning today but my towel blew away and it's stuck in an oak tree at the moment - 13 - supernatural is the only american show i watch, i normally watch k-dramas and animes (( i'm not tagging 15 people, i'm way too lazy whOOps ))