
To all of those who are following my Oliver Wood story I just wanted to say that my updates have been extremely slow for many reasons and I am really sorry you are all having to wait. Unfortunately, I am struggling to write the story not only because I don't have enough time and energy, but because I do not have any inspiration or want to write it any more. I love the story, please don't get me wrong and I am so amazed by how many people have taken interest in it also, but I at some point have to make sure you all know that the story may not be finished - not soon anyway. I have chosen to put all my efforts into other projects that interest me more and since I have school to focus on soon I won't have the time to be writing much. I just wanted to tell you all this and I hope you can all understand. I of course wont be abandoning the story forever, I just need to focus on other things and whenever I have the inspiration I will continue to write about Lucia and Oliver. So, finally I just want to tell everyone who has been reading my story that I appreciate the amount of love and support you have all given both me and my story and that I am extremely sorry if I have disappointed anyone, that was not my intention. It has become more of a chore than an enjoyable hobby to write the story now so I am moving away from the story until I am ready to return. This will be my last post for a while as I'm not only taking a break from my Oliver story but from wattpad itself. I wish you all luck in whatever you are doing. Make sure to rest, eat well, work hard but look after yourselves. My inbox is of course open still if you want to message me about anything. I love you all and I promise I'll see you all again one day. For now however, I need to chill out from wattpad. I hope you can all understand my decision. I love you all! FIGHTING! ^-^ <3


this message may be offensive
Hey! I just finished reading your daryl fic and I'm dying here 'cause its so fucking good and I'm so hooked and there's no sings of life from you . Hope your okey and well Merry Christmas for you [yeah the last update was last year and I'm kinda worried that all your stories are going to be left discontinued ] 
          So as a Christmas present you could idk give sings of being fine and alive and something even one of this things / notes saying you are busy or something 'cause I get that people have life's outside of wattpad an their writing hobbies / unless you're a book author .


Hello, will you continue writing your Sherlock fanfiction? 


I have decided to go through and edit it as I wrote it when I was quite young and I cringe reading it back now! I do have some thoughts for a sequel but nothing yet set in stone! I’m sorry to disappoint, I am incredibly thankful for your support x


Hehe, you said your followers wouldn't have to wait two years for a sequel to the Sherlock Fanfic... Yet, two years later and there is no sequel. I'm just trying to point out the irony of the situation because that is just my weird sense of humor. In no way is this comment meant to offend you. Your book (My Neighbour Is A Sociopath - Sherlock Fanfiction) was absolutely brilliant! It really captivated my attention and I just adored how T.K. was portrayed as an actual person and not something you'd see in a movie. Excellent work! Cheers!