
Thank you for supporting my book :D from the bottom of my heart thank you Xx <3


@Manuelazrn  Thank you so much once again and I always try my best to reply to commenters and those who support my book so I try and communicate with readers but most of the time I don't even get a reply, so I'm thankful for having you as one of my lovely readers. No one has give me such wholesome words towards me so I'm thankful that you do appreciate me in which it did made my day so thank you for even actually replying which I think you are the only who did that so I really appreciate you so much even though its just you replying to me I'm extremely thankful that you even did. 
            Hope you do well in your studies and in school as well as if you need someone to talk to you can always message me since I'm free anytime since it is my summer holidays so I'm happy to even communicate any readers!
            Once again thank you and I hope you have a wonderful, awesome and amazing day, week, month and year even though during this pandemic Xx
            Thank you for being my number one supporter from the bottom of my heart <3 Xx
            Lots of Luv
            Author Xx<3


@TwilightemilyXx im glad i could at least somewhat help get you motivated and I totally get it my school gives out tons of work and for people like me who always try to get straight a’s in most subjects it’s super stressful and i just wanted to say if you ever need a break don’t hold back and take it it’s totally fine. And I should be the one thanking you since most authors don’t reply or even look at the comments/messages that the readers write. Also congrats on winning the competition I’m sure you did amazing and worked hard for it :D 
            i hope you also have a stunning day/night hell even week wherever you maybe.
            your number one supporter~


@Manuelazrn Thank you so much for your kind words honestly your comments/messages made me feel motivated and for the book itself I already  had an idea what I'm going to do for the ending its just the other parts of the chapters I need to get through and I don't really have that motivation, or inspiration to know what to write for the those chapters.
            So thank you for being really understanding truly I'm so thankful since I was so busy with my school works, projects like I had to go to down London for competition for Business in which my team won everything lol. But I had to look after my siblings and cook dinner since my parents are working so I was busy throughout those years. 
            Once again thank you for being understanding towards me and I don't know how much I can appreciate you enough..But yeah I extremely thankful for your kindness since not a lot of people give me the same treatment as what you did, so thank you Xx <3
            Lots of Luv
            Author Xx<3
            Hope you have a lovey day one of my beautiful reader :D Xx<3