
Your biggest mistake is to think that you own me and that you have authority over my life, which obviously you don't. You only felt like it cause I let you to feel that way, by the way I treat you. Beach please you don't own me. So don't treat me like a toy, just because you 'got' me. Don't waste my time and money and not to mention my feelings for something that is temporary.


Your biggest mistake is to think that you own me and that you have authority over my life, which obviously you don't. You only felt like it cause I let you to feel that way, by the way I treat you. Beach please you don't own me. So don't treat me like a toy, just because you 'got' me. Don't waste my time and money and not to mention my feelings for something that is temporary.


Me: no i do not like him. Also me: waiting for his texts, carefully planned a conversation so that we always have something to talk about, looking at his pictures again and again and again, laugh out of nowhere because he suddenly popped into my mind. "and that's my dear how i broke my own heart, again."