Hey guys!
I've currently been given some amazing books to read by people who have been kind enough to support my own books. However it's come to the point that I'm reading too many books at once and the stories are starting to mix up and I'm not sure what I'm reading!
This is why I've created a new reading list. I've kept some of the ones I already started in my previous reading list and will read now them one after another to give the stories the attention they deserve then get to the other ones in my "Will read ASAP" that way I can give them the attention they all deserve.
I apologise to all those whose stories I said I would read and haven't gotten to or started and didn't finish. I hope the above explanation will do.
But hopefully now I can truly dig into your wonderful books, it will just take a while, as I'm also writing my own!
Thank you for reading this short essay of explanation!!!
And hello to all my new follower!!!!
And a huge thank you to everyone who has added my story to their reading list, and especially to those who have commented and voted! I really do love all your support!
Stay awesome!