
          	first order of business - I am chuffed to bits by these reads! Wasn’t at all sure how my thoughts would translate to story form so I’m ever so glad you’ve liked it so far, and hope you enjoy what’s to come :)
          	secondly, I realised that it was so hard for me to continue because I didn’t at all like how that last chapter finished; it didn’t quite capture what I wanted it to, so the next scene in my head just didn’t quite flow etc etc. So I’ve unpublished the last chapter, but I’m working on it now and solemnly swear to I’m up to something
          	thanks so much for the support again! 


@barefootsummers WOW I'M LATE BUT GIRL I CAN'T WAIT <3


this message may be offensive
@barefootsummers girl your shit is beautiful. I can't wait until you get back up and running :-)


          first order of business - I am chuffed to bits by these reads! Wasn’t at all sure how my thoughts would translate to story form so I’m ever so glad you’ve liked it so far, and hope you enjoy what’s to come :)
          secondly, I realised that it was so hard for me to continue because I didn’t at all like how that last chapter finished; it didn’t quite capture what I wanted it to, so the next scene in my head just didn’t quite flow etc etc. So I’ve unpublished the last chapter, but I’m working on it now and solemnly swear to I’m up to something
          thanks so much for the support again! 


@barefootsummers WOW I'M LATE BUT GIRL I CAN'T WAIT <3


this message may be offensive
@barefootsummers girl your shit is beautiful. I can't wait until you get back up and running :-)