@bbg_giyuu-is-gae oh how i feel you.
I'm emotionless, calm, quiet at school so i look rude. But inside i am actually very very very kind.. But since I LOOK RUDE. THEY BULLY, JUDGE, IGNORE ME. JUST BECAUSE I LOOK MEAN. Like i give them my scissors, rulers, erasers, pencils if they need one since they forget. And when i forget to bring one of them and ask my classmates if i can borrow theirs. They say "No. You could just bring one, stupid bitch". Or "you think i will give you a ______? Haah. Nope, loser". Like do i say that when you need mine?!
my teachers also blame me for stupid stuffs like my handwriting while my classmate's handwritings are just like garbage and you can't understand what they wrote. And my handwriting is perfect and straight. Like. WHY. And they blame me for coming late. But they have school uniforms that will take almost forever to wear.. Seriously. I wish i was born earlier than 2012. Like i wish i was born in the 19 's where you have schools that are kind and teachers won't blame you for stupid things. They won't care if your handwriting is bad or good. They only care if you got everything right and correct(they won't yell if you do 1-4 mistakes)...
I feel you soooo much. And my classmates gossip about how i clean my glasses all of the sudden. MY GLASSES GET BLURRED BECAUSE MY TEARS WERE ABOUT TO COME OUT BUT I HELD IT BACK... I feel like crying but even my parents and siblings are like that...