@_sanity hey, sweetheart. it's been forever and eternity since we've spoken. it feels amazing to hear from you. aha, thank you, love. you're too kind. i've missed you and your words. how are you?
@Lollipopkiss0724 oh my gosh, i'm in love with you. thank you so much for saying that. it's something i've been needing to hear, sweetheart. thank you.
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy,
when skies are grey.
Something something,
and again something something,
please don't take my sunshine away.
@bbrumous I know it's like listening to Jesus except without the crucifixion and repenting crap and more of the changing shit to wine and flipping tables at cult central. it's fine you can woo me with your words instead sweetheart ;)