
My indecisiveness is getting the best of me again. I am posting the rewrite of The Mentor in its original home that most of you have already read. I am also working on a second rewrite that removes The Mentor from the Star Wars universe but I haven't decided if I will be posting that one here or not.


If you decide to post it with OC I’d still read it. :)


Hi @becsgrey!  
          I just finished reading chapter 11 of your story “The Mentor” and I wanted to ask you if there is more to this book?  I’m really enjoying your writing and this story has me hooked!  I see that you have a sequel, but it seems like I’m missing the second half of this book as it ends a little abruptly. Can you tell me if there is more uploaded somewhere else?
          Great job on everything I’ve read so far - keep it up!


That’s great to hear!  I’ll keep my eyes open for the next update. 


Hi! I am in the process of rewriting it but because I have another project it has been slow moving. I’m hoping to have the next chapter done and uploaded this week 


My indecisiveness is getting the best of me again. I am posting the rewrite of The Mentor in its original home that most of you have already read. I am also working on a second rewrite that removes The Mentor from the Star Wars universe but I haven't decided if I will be posting that one here or not.


If you decide to post it with OC I’d still read it. :)


FYI: The Mentor will be disappearing off of here very soon, but don’t you fear, it will be back after a pretty hefty rewrite! I have taken on the new adventure of parenthood so my writing time as been significantly impacted so please be patient with me, and understand updates won’t be consistently scheduled because I just can’t handle that right now  I’ve been secretly working on some original stories but need a little break so why not revisit the story that fueled my love for writing three years ago? 


I can’t wait to read the new re write 


Congratulations on becoming a parent! 


Hello to my new followers! I feel so bad because I haven’t updated in so long. Im working on finishing my reader insert that I’ve been posting on AO3 and am about to mass dump all (23) written chapters here. After that, I’m hoping to move on to some of my other unfinished projects such as “Weakness Exposed” and my Original Story “Afterglow”


Hit me with your favorite stories on here or maybe even promote one of your own!  I want to add to my reading lists and support some fellow writers


@becsgrey Hey I know this is a late response, but I'll shamelessly promote one of my Reylo fics if you want to give 'er a go!  If so, I hope you enjoy!


Shameless by adamdriveintome 


!!!! Definitely “Philophobia” by reysdriver!!!!! It’s such a detailed and well written story, definitely deserves more hype!!!


Darkness Within has been hanging out in the top ten for #Reylo for a while now and I’m so honored that people still like my story that much a year later! 
          I’ve been working on an original story so sorry I haven’t been updating any of my Star Wars fics. I am thinking about uploading at least the first chapter soon so if you enjoy my writing/stories, watch for that!


I’m slowly working on writing but if you want to see some Reylo art by yours truly head over to my Instagram art.gingersnap and give it a follow! You can even see my updated versions of Zyan and Kira from Darkness Within that I drew back in February. Once I finish some of my reylo wips, I plan on drawing the dark side version of the twins since right now the version I have up is before they’re found and they’re living on Argent.