
if shiny lurantis isnt blue im ginna punch a wall


i found out its ugly and yellow wtf


eye colour
          green - while on vacation,
          blue - while in the bathroom,
          brown - while having an argument, 
          hazel - while watching a disney movie,
          black - while having dinner,
          other - while at a wedding,
          1 - czech
          2 - cameroon
          3 - vietnam
          4 - thailand
          5 - molossia
          6 - monaco
          7 - luxembourg
          8 - macau
          9 - ireland
          10 - slovakia
          11 - india
          12 - tibet
          13 - turkey
          14 - mexico
          15 - rome
          16 - germania
          17 - cyprus
          18 - picardy
          19 - ancient greece
          20 - ancient egypt
          21 - egypt
          22 - cuba
          23 - new zealand
          24 - hutt river
          25 - portugal
          26 - osaka
          27 - south korea
          28 - ukraine
          29 - north korea
          30 - romania
          31 - belgium
          shirt colour
          blue - slaps you
          red - proposes to you
          green - asks to become one with you
          pink - teaches you their language
          orange - buries you alive
          yellow - kisses you
          purple - robs you with a spoon
          black - calls you a name
          grey - winks at you
          white - sits on you
          multi - tries to kill you
          other - steals from you
          personality type
          intp - because they like you
          entp - because they want to be your friend
          istj - because theyre jealous of you
          estj - because they want revenge on you
          isfj - because they annoy yoy
          esfj - because they miss you
          istp - because they want to hurt you
          estp - because you hurt them
          isfp - because they love you
          esfp - because they were bored
          infj - because they can
          enfj - because they done it on accident
          infp - because hurt someone they love
          enfp - because they hate you
          intj - because you annoy them
          entj - because they want to
          while on vacation, new zealand steals from me because he likes me
          reply with yours