
12.12.2024 20:24
          	Everyone, two, three, and next
          	For all everybody who read this, how's life going?
          	Are u okay? I hope so
          	Even if it's still not okay yet, it's okay.. it will soon
          	U know wht guys?
          	At this almost the end of year, i still on my progress
          	Seems the hardest progress, just like that
          	Yeah simply i feel like that
          	And, for u all know.. just as u can see from my story
          	I love them, the 7 people.. now growth great man from South Korea
          	You know they're 3 letters name.. u can spell it easily without i say it
          	Now.. everytime i see them, it feels like seeing old friend
          	They felt so familiar and missable
          	I do, feel them
          	It's gonna going everywhere 
          	Anyway guys.. it's along time since we talk each other
          	Please keep healthy and i hope u achieve wht u deserve for
          	I pray u all the best thing u will get soon
          	See u guys
          	We'll see again in the best version
          	Wht a special life, right?
          	Good breath~
          	How about this year, guys.. is it a great year?
          	Our smile will widely appear soonly
          	Just need keep fight for it
          	 #me #we #us


12.12.2024 20:24
          Everyone, two, three, and next
          For all everybody who read this, how's life going?
          Are u okay? I hope so
          Even if it's still not okay yet, it's okay.. it will soon
          U know wht guys?
          At this almost the end of year, i still on my progress
          Seems the hardest progress, just like that
          Yeah simply i feel like that
          And, for u all know.. just as u can see from my story
          I love them, the 7 people.. now growth great man from South Korea
          You know they're 3 letters name.. u can spell it easily without i say it
          Now.. everytime i see them, it feels like seeing old friend
          They felt so familiar and missable
          I do, feel them
          It's gonna going everywhere 
          Anyway guys.. it's along time since we talk each other
          Please keep healthy and i hope u achieve wht u deserve for
          I pray u all the best thing u will get soon
          See u guys
          We'll see again in the best version
          Wht a special life, right?
          Good breath~
          How about this year, guys.. is it a great year?
          Our smile will widely appear soonly
          Just need keep fight for it
           #me #we #us


January 6th 2024, Saturday
          Howdy? Hope u all doing good
          I read a word "Birthdie
          What u think, everybody?
          Sounds like a bit creepy, isn't it?
          Hehe but, it's still blessing
          Maybe just for someone or somepeople
          Btw, now already new year.. 2024 is here!
          What u gonna do for this new season?
          Are u ready for all the plan?
          I guess, yes or no?
          It's okay
          Even it is not yet
          You gonna doing great
          I do, believe it
          Glad to be here, today
          See u soon


12.31.23 (December 31st 2023)
          Heiho everyone two three
          Howdy? It's been a busy year, isn't it?
          I spend a lot of time for surviving, in every situations
          It will be continue as always, but at the end i wanna say
          Just thx for everything
          Every point, moment, learn, concern
          That's means a lot
          And for you, who read this
          Thank you very much as always
          Thank you for being there
          And thank you for being you
          You are deserved anything
          Again, me just me
          Good bye and the same time, hi~
          Know it, i love you. #endof2023


July 20th 2023, Thursday
          It's rainy season~
          Everyday with falling water from the sky
          Everytime with cooling sensation
          Everyone with their own deeply think
          Just every second feel in peace
          I love it!
          This all about lesson of life
          To tell about people in the real side
          To get to know how to keep survive in this life
          Keep healthy and happy
          Wherever, whenever, whoever
           #520 #1314920 #ehhehe


June 13rd 2023, Teusday
          Already 3 month passed, and i'm back
          Up and down in everytime i feel
          All of that was life learn
          Also i'm so gratefull to pass it
          Is my english better, or even worse?
          Hihihi idk.. i just enjoy it
          Please enjoy your life as well
          God bless
          See you again~


Mar 6th 2023, Monday
          Morning.. or just with a full spirit power of monday!
          To get hard to starting work
          To be hard to stay dreaming
          To be patient for all of things would happen
          You are just what you are
          What are you wanna be
          What are you passing by
          And what are you doing the best for now, today
          You are and what's your envirolment
          Your friend who always there for you
          Your family who always waiting for you
          Your brother and sisterhood who always taking care of you
          And surely, your self who always be your home
          Thank you for all of them
          Be grateful for your self
          And thankfull for this life
          You deserve all of this!


Feb 3rd 2023, Friday
          Hai, me and you again, who read and find it
          How are you? 
          Ehehe.. hope you all in good mood and best situation
          If it's not, just make it! Right? Hehe
          I'm now in cold, in actual mean
          I got headache last night, but now i'm better
          Day to days coming and i'll stay then step forward at the same time
          Ya i know, i'll coming someday
          Today, tomorrow, or the next next day
          And now, i still trying and always keeping do my best
          Untill arrived and i can get some rest
          Let's do what we can as much we can!!
          The better days is waiting for us~
           #loveme #loveus #lovelife


Jan 5th 2023, on going to Friday
          Today was Thursday's night
          A night with full of blessing
          A piece night with all of feeling
          A wonderful memories night with my self
          Thank you for keep surviving
          Love you to keep going
          Bless you for keep fighting
          Kiss you with a power to step forward
          Just about you and your self, beautiful soul you had
          I still always keep loving u
          Please be patient for all things happen
          Please be stronger for all things would happen next
          Please be stay
          There's no other than you
          You deserved for all the best thing
          Good human, good person, good that's you
          Know it, i'm here
          On this good day
          And will be forever
           #you #us #me


02 12.2022 Friday
          Like a mirror, we spending time tought seeing each other
          Sometimes we satisfied, sometimes got disappointed
          But no matter how far we go, we always know
          That we have for each other
          No matter how cruel this life
          No matter how hard the problem
          No matter you, and me
          We just have "us"
          Because everyday to be us would be the best day ever
          Just get it again, and revive
          You deserve for better!
          Thx for here till the end
           #closingyear #endfornewbeginning
          Loving me again and always


          Hating -> Accepting -> Letting
          Rules in lifes, end with just getting free
          Falling again.. then raise up.. no for give up, stay up!
          Died just once
          Get you freedom
          Search for your life
          And, be you
          Yes, whatever you are, no matter what happened to you, then what are you leaving and going for
          Just be you
          Looking for you
          Got you
          Your life was totally yours
          Live it or leaving it, that's yours
          But hopefully, you choose again to be you for you
          Living love for your life
          Set your free
          Start your step now
          Wherever you go
          "You are Your Home"