to all of my audience but especially my newtmas, "SERENITY" readers: hi! first of all, it's been a hot second. again. i'm truly very sorry, stuff has hit the fan and it's been busy. but i'm really trying to lock in. lately i've felt that my love for creative writing has slowly died bc ive been doing more news writing for my school newspaper again, and i lowk hate it. other than that though, i've, again, been super busy so that's been pushing me back on making progress with my fics. BUT HERE'S WHAT I'M HERE TO ASK: for my "serenity" readers, what would you like to see? PLEASE TELL ME. if you guys give me solid ideas and plots you want me to include, that would truly motivate me to write because i won't really have to think about it much. from there, i can elaborate on your ideas to create something worthy of being read. the setting of the camp is so open-ended that it allows for pretty much anything to happen, PLEASE give me ideas! alright that's it. i wanna end by saying that if you don't see anything soon, you will DEFINITELY have something over summer break. i am going to a camp for two weeks but other than that you will be seeing stuff because my schedule will be open. THANK YOU for your support !

@Your_CheeseStick tysm for your input, i've def been thinking about that and i can say that it will be happeningggg !! i'm so glad that you guys love the slow burn

@bellzsad Omg so excited and its understandable am like that rn with my story lol. I love the slow burn for Serenity that it has going but you do want some ideas so, you know how they "the guiders" said no skinny dipping that could happen again but maybe a little after but like before they get officially together. Still keep the playfulness between them in the comps. That's all i really know but like i will say more when i can think of it, but i guess what i said could be a good start. Anyways love ya and the stories xoxo