
Hey would you mind checking my work FALLING FOR MR. BILLIONAIRE. I noticed you like reading romance. I would be glad if you read it and review it. I would be blessed. 


@biscut123 umm..alright thanxx for your review and I would really try to fix it when I edit it. As english is not my first language but its like my mothertongue so I don't think I wrote somthing confusing. But then you said this, there must be some problems within it so I'll try to edit it soon..Thnxxx..
            Stay blessed and take care ❤


@RehaJacob sorry, I have read some of the chapters and so far the story is kind of confusing. When they talk, it sounds way too sophisticated, and it makes the story sound awkward. With the way they talk, it also makes the story sound as if it was taking place in the past, what with her master and all,  but then all of a sudden she doing something that someone would do in the present times, like drinking out of a water bottle, which they didn't have back then.


@RehaJacob sure thing, I would love to


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