
hi friends!
          	i need some help! if anyone is down to help me make some covers for my stories, they all kind of need a revamp! i made them a long time ago, so if anyone would love to connect me to someone that can make me some bomb covers, please let me know! i will also be publishing a book soon that has nothing to do with fandoms, and is mostly a young adult/teen fiction story rather than a fanfiction. anyway, pls pls connect me to someone or if someone is personally interested that would be awesome too! thanks !! (:
          	ambahr xx


hi friends!
          i need some help! if anyone is down to help me make some covers for my stories, they all kind of need a revamp! i made them a long time ago, so if anyone would love to connect me to someone that can make me some bomb covers, please let me know! i will also be publishing a book soon that has nothing to do with fandoms, and is mostly a young adult/teen fiction story rather than a fanfiction. anyway, pls pls connect me to someone or if someone is personally interested that would be awesome too! thanks !! (:
          ambahr xx


hi friends!
          i’m back? it’s been.. since august 2019 since i was on this account. i have been on wattpad since, but on my alternate account @parkerscupcake . i randomly tonight decided to look at my old accounts i used to write on, found this one, and almost had a breakdown because i couldn’t find the password (ain’t that fun!!). long story short, not only am i back, but all my stories will be updated regularly now, as well as new stories coming soon!
          i missed you guys so much! please let me know if you guys have any questions for me, requests, specific books you’d like me to update, and so much more! thank you again for sticking with me! i will also be editting all older books so they are revised and actually grammar proofed. (:
          ambahr xx


hello everyone!
          guess what i'm watching at the moment? all of 'the flash' once again!! i've decided to take the plunge and keep writing 'speed', incorporating some of the new episodes and my own ideas for the chapters. kinda like what i was doing before, but stay tuned for some new chapters!! if anyone would like to let me know what you would like to see in future chapters, let me know! i love hearing ideas!!
          (i'm on the first episode of the first season, nothing like a refresher, right?)
          i hope you're all having a good night!! stay tuned y'all!!
          ambahr xx


good morning!
          it’s been a while! i haven’t been on this account since december and it’s been a rollercoaster of a year! so sorry about not keeping my promise to still write. i am happy to announce a couple things though! and i unfortunately do have some bad news as well. but, we’ll start with the good news!
          1. i will be updating my stories as the days follow up! so expect lots and lots of new chapters!
          2. i’ve published a new story called “victorious” and it features a bunch of characters i’ve been crafting for about a year and a half now! (link below)
          3. i will be posting some new plots for those that are laking ideas but would still like to write!
          now, for the bad news.
          1. i’m still thinking about it but i might discontinue “speed” and “crystals”. i don’t really write for barry allen much, but i’m still not 100% sure. if you would like to change my opinion and would still like some updates for both those stories, feel free to let me know please!
          2. most of my stories will be disappearing from my profile. i have lost a lot of inspiration for most of my stories on here, so some beloved stories will not be around much anymore.
          3. i’ve migrated to another account! i currently have another account i’ve been updating more as of recently and if you’d like to check out those stories, follow @parkerscupcake ! (:
          thank you for all those who have still followed this account! you guys are troopers!! i love you all!
          have an exciting day!
          ambahr xx


hey everyone!
          its been a while! i know i havent been as active as i used to be. i kinda switched to tumblr now, but im gonna be coming back over the next couple weeks to update "SPEED", "SOULMATES" and any other books you guys want updates for. also, i have a new account on here @parkerscupcake if you guys wanna check out my other works. that one is linked to my tumblr so you guys can follow me there too! again, super sorry, and i promise more updates will come over the next couple weeks! thank you for all 589 of you that have stayed with me through the last couple years! you guys are the bomb! love you all!
          - ambahr (-:
          ( ps. i turned 18 on tuesday!!! yay me!!)


im devastated at the news in las vegas from tonight. i woke up with pure shock and sadness because of how much our world has gone through these past few months. later in the day, when i went into class, i was shown a video of the shooting as it was happening and i cried. im not going to lie, i burst out sobbing in the middle of class because the world doesnt deserve this and we, as human beings, dont deserve to be put into shock and fear from each other.
          not only was i terrified for everyone that had to go through the shooting from very close by (either the strip, hotel, or the actual concert), but i was also terrified for the  people stuck inside the airports. families, women, children, young men and women and pregnant women. they didn't deserve this, especially when they just wanted to go home.
          i think i cried the most when i was shown a photo of a young child dead on the floor close to the stage. that poor child did not deserve to lose its life and it didn't deserve to be killed, especially in front of such a huge audience.
          all my prayers go out to everyone that lives in las vegas, goes to school there, and everyone that might have been stuck in either buildings that were close to the shooting (especially the airport). my prayers go out to those who lost loved ones last night. im so so sorry that this man chose to make a decision that affected everyone.
          my love and prayers go out to everyone.
          - ambahr x
          p.s. : yes i was aware that harrison was indeed stuck inside the airport with his family and i am in shock that this had to happen to him and his family. im not completely sure how he's taking this, but im just glad his whole family is safe and was able to make a flight back home.
          p.s.s. : also thanks to angel ( @INTOYOUJONAH ) for bringing this to my attention in the morning right as i stepped out of the shower. this is important. if there's any way anyone can donate to any families or anyone in las vegas, go for it. dont hesitate to want to help out.


@-spookystilinski thank you so much. hopefully the day gets better after the shooting in las vegas; hopefully everyone is okay there. my day kinda went downhill after i heard about the shooting.


@beautifulbarry omf thank you so much! actually the newest covers with tom holland i made on my phone! (: