
So, I'm taking down my stories. They'll be back up soon. I just want to focus on TNHS. Once I'm caught up with the revisions on that one the other stories will go up. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Sowwy sowwy sowwy sowwy


I just found out Andy and Juliet got married yesterday. I'm not trying to start anything, but I honestly can't love anything right now. I only accept their marriage because it's what Andy wants. If he wants to marry a person like that, it's his choice. I'm too pissed at him to do anything right now...
          Including listening to his voice.


Everything that has to do with me is going to undergo MAJOR editing at... 10:00 pm Alaska time. So, a book or two are going to get their names changed, and my name will probably change (sowwy) so yeah. THATS IN 11 MINUTES PEOPLE. MAJOR. EDITING!!! 


So, I just had one of those moments when I'm trying to find out what I want to do in the near future. I'm not a senior, but I'm am in high school, and they say high school is the time that you find yourself. 
          I was organizing my room and looking through the books I used to be into and then I look at the books I'm into now, and I think of how much I've grown over the years. I read all these comments on YouTube on different people's pages, and I couldn't help think, "I want to be able to inspire people one day." Probably not in a big way, but I want to be able to show people that it's better to be themselves, because being a copy isn't cool.
          Now I'm ranting. XD Please don't hesitate to message me about problems you're going through or if you just want to talk. I'll always reply back!
          Love ya'll!!! <3