
Hiii blinku babes it's been a while I will be cancelling ❌ every book but When Times Get Dark, Pain, & The Nonexistent Series Of 2004 - Leviticus Miller. Shh  that last ones new! Sorry- not really.


I'm sorry I haven't posted, as for my book pain it is a true story and has sensitive topics, next month school starts. Then I'll update it more. As for when times get dark, I lost interest BUT I'll post it more soon whe  my laptop charger arrives in the mail, as for the others eh not sure but maybe.


im so sorry. i messed up or as some would say i done goofed. i will be entering more wattpad contests soon, so sorry to my readers one of these days I'm gonna catch up on all the lost chapters. i was writing a chapter and it somehow didn't save sorry I'm almost done with this one tho.