Hello followers!
So I'm guessing most of you read my miraculous fanfic, and I'm sorry I'm not posting I have no space on my device so it won't let me write!
But don't worry! I'm working on finding my password and writing on a new device with this account soon enough.
For my followers who read my Demons inside story I'd like to say to you I'm sorry I don't update. But I have some good news, or bad news, depending on how you'll feel about it...
I'm starting it over, not completely though! Ok so I'm keeping the first few chapters and scratching the rest. I'm
Gonna rename the original and make a new one under the same name it has now. If you know anybody at all who reads the story and doesn't follow me (that's actually the majority of my readers) then please please please tell them!
I love all th support I think from my followers even if it isn't much from very many. Thanks all of you for wanting to know about what I have to say in updates and what I say through my writing. I appreciate it a lot.
P.s. I spelled blue like that on purpose