Hi guys I’m trying to get everything together to finish this book off for you all ! I finally got back in my account after getting locked out of this account and my email associated with this one. It took awhile for me to figure out the dang passwords and gmail made me contact them to recover the email but I will do my best to finish this book off this year. I’ve been writing chapters while locked out. Before I post them I want to make sure I can finish it with the ideas I have now and in the past! I’m sorry it taken years for me to get back in the swing of things!
This book lives in my head rent free at times. I check in every few years to see if there’s any updates. I hope all is well and you’ll have space to finish this one day. All the best.
Most likely you don’t have this account anymore or you’ve probably moved on but I hope that one day your able to see the amount of people you’ve truly been able to touch with this book