Help us keep this trirrible movie that miss represents the lgbt+ community. Use thus link to sign the petition
Here is a summery of the movie
Adam the movie. It is a film adaptation of a terrible book. A quick summary of the book is: A cis man falls in love with a lesbian. So he fakes being a trans man. Then has a relationship with her. They have a fall out and break up. Then she goes and dates a cis man right after that. Which is implying that once a lesbian dates a man she is “cured” from being attracted to women. Which is very untrue. This movie is putting down trans men as not being real men. By implying that a lesbian would date a trans man. Which isn’t true, because a lesbian only finds WOMEN sexually or romantically attractive. This movie puts down Lesbian and Trans culture. Which the LGBT+ community does not tolerate. Please help me and the rest of the community stop a very terrible movie from coming out.(If you would like more info on the book please look up #boycottAdam on instagram)
Tommorow or today if you are reading on may 2 is the anniversary of the battle of Hogwarts.I would like to propose a momnet of silence for the fallen witches and wizards and there families
@dovecitadel awwww thankyou you are vary sweet too . sorry about that last bit i am really into MM right now you know how fandoms are once your in you have to change all you back grounds and ringtones to match your love for it