you probably came from one of my comments on a fan fiction 🤭 or not. here's more abt me I guess

I'm elixir.
eli for short 😍
or you can say El from Stranger Things if you must 🤨

fun fact : i have not (and not planning to) watched stranger things

im a minor ⛏️💎

im a brown girl 👩🏽 (south asian to be specific) (Indian to be more specific)

Have a good day 👁👁🫵

  • up your ass motherfucker
  • انضمNovember 2, 2020


الرسالة الأخيرة
bottleofelixir bottleofelixir Jun 01, 2022 10:00PM
go away ❤️
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قصة بقلم Elixir
His Office بقلم bottleofelixir
His Office
Dream's the secretary, George is the boss, BOOM! Romance. George just happens to fall in love with his secre...
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