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I require a sacrifice of toes
"I am the milkman my milk is delicious. Special delivery today! GRAAHH!"
And now there's twenty of you not sure what you think I'm doing but its not enough to deserve any of you
Why are there 19 of you people now? Ive done NoThINg to dESeRvE YoU
Hush now child, we don’t need to drag you down from nineteen to zero now do we? And I think I found you in a comment and decided you need a follow because I genuinely didn’t give a f*ck about why I followed you or even acknowledged your existence.
I now have 16 people who follow me for no reason I dont post I dont write I have no idea how ive ammased this little posse of folks who seem to enjoy my presence lol
Lol I dont know how ive amassed 13 followers ive done absolutely nothing to deserve them
Owo I have ten followers and havent written a single thing
@Bishop-Basher-Barry I'm sorry I cant help but loaf them I was just bread this way
Hello again