Hello, sorry for distributing you but could you check out my new Horror book the revenge? ^^

Thanks xx

Hello my fellow horror writer! Thank you for following me and adding my story to your reading list! I hope you like it! Your stories seem interesting, can't wait to check them out! :-D

@bradleyjkornish Oh by the way welcome to @Wattpad! I hope we can keep in touch, PM me whenever you like, okay? :-D Have a wonderful day!

@bradleyjkornish Nice to meet you too! Sorry for the late reply I don't know what happened to me X-D Sure you can check out Haunting Shadows is story I just finished though it would still have mistakes, I would love your feedback, If you like short horror stories check out Drops Of Blood and let me know what you think as well! i'Il would recommend you to read TEMPLE by @smurfrielle is a story I am willing to read but I haven't had the chance to even begin, you know school and all that LOL

How great to be followed from Black Forest. Thank you, Bradley.

@KevinGebhard haha, you seemed like you might have some interesting follows, so I checked them out and saw she hopes and I followed last night :) your rec makes me extra interested now... Thanks Kevin

I'm delighted to see that you added Mission Macabre to your horror reading list (the cover says it all). You might want to check out @SheHopes who I think writes your kind of stories. Welcome to Wattpad and I wish you the best.

Hi Bradley, nice to meet you. Ken.

Thanks so much for adding untouchables to your reading list. However its a sequel to an already completed book, Damaged and you'll understand whats happening much better if you read that first.

nice - thanks for the heads up :) - I was intrigued by your profile page - especially the 'gritty' bit :) - I am new to Wattpad and am hoping I can find some of the fresher, more literary dark horror that I like so much :) I am getting ready to post several horror stories of my own, definitely not for the faint of heart - I use lots of bizarre imagery and of the wall violence and such... all in the name of a good story of course :) I also write dark poetry - hopefully you'll get a chance to check some out - I am heading over to grab 'damaged' for my library - thanks again - bjk

Hi thanks for the follow xx

Thanks for following me. I love your profile picture!

jezz. thank you for this follow, bradleyjkornish.

Frankie saxx mentioned I might want to read some of your stuff, I'm looking forward to diving in