
• he turned to her and gave her a small smile, gripping onto the back of her hoodie. he meant everything he had said, and he didn't need momo to respond to his mini speech. he knew his words had gotten to her. •
          well ─ i could be your whole world and i wouldn't mind if i was. i love you .. so much more, momo. i am grateful for all you have done for me.


you do more than just entertain others, oba - san. i think i would still be sad, and sulking over hiyori if you hadn't saved me. i wouldn't trade you .. for anything. and it may be sound unbelievable .. and though i do miss her .. i wouldn't even trade you for the chance to see her again.
          • he held onto her, switching to rest his head down and faced the opposite direction of her. •
          i do take care of myself, of course. and the same is for me. though i'd rather you not risk yourself, i wouldn't be given your hugs anymore. or be able to see you anymore. or be near you ..


it sounds like i'm your boyfriend of some kind .. but yes. it sounds like fun and being with you is always better than doing something else.
          • he felt a bit reassured though he still felt semi worried. he hugged her tightly, resting his chin on her shoulder. •
          you better be .. i wouldn't know what to do if you had gotten hurt. i .. do love you. a lot. more than anything else. you're all i really have, aside from the gang.


i'll just a - agree with that for now .. and whatever you say, oba - san. why would you wa - want to cuddle or even hold me while y - you're sleeping? i could just have a sleepover with you .. and maybe i could go to your meet - and - greet thingy. 
          • he panicked slightly when she said that, he wasn't completely sure of what momo was capable of. and the thought of her getting injured concerned him more than anything. •
          why would you do that?! hurting yourself is bad and i don't want you to be in pain. you mu - must be joking, right? just playing around with me?


i d - didn't mean it like that! they just d - do stupid things .. and no i am n - not! it's the other way around .. !
          • his cheeks only grew more warm and a piece of him was wondering if it was bothering her. he saw coloration be added to her own skin, and moved one of his smaller hands to be placed on her cheek. •
          i am n - not cute .. so neither would a doll be. i understand the good luck charm .. but cuddling it in yo - your sleep? ..
          only for you and your pieces of clothing. being a dress up doll sounds tiring .. and isn't a meet - and - greet where your fanbase comes to see you? i'll just have to make sure you don't badly hurt yourself with the sewing needle.


it's better this way for me to act more matured. most kids my age are idiots. i sort of thought it was embarrassing that i was significantly shorter than you. a - and i'm not c - cute! for the last time ..
          • he frowned a little but slowly leaned more into her hand, pressing his cheek into her palm. •
          your next day off from idoling, i'll teach you the basics. we could do a fashion show and i'll be modeling your clothing. w - why would you want something like th - that?


• a soft pink coated his cheeks and he furrowed his eyebrows. his eyes darted to the side. •
          i'm n - not cute and i can do small things. sewing isn't really hard if you continue to try .. besides the constant pricking of your skin. 
          • he then changed his gaze again to focus on her, leaning back just a little. •
          i can teach you, if you want. and at least i still have a lot of time before being one .. it seems hard.