
I finished the chapter :D so I'll be updating in a couple minutes woohoo! 


Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated yet :/ today was actually kind of busy and some things came up that I had no idea were going to happen...
          Anyway, I will update tomorrow I promise!! My schedule is clear expect for school assignments but that won't take too long to complete. Thanks for reading my story and I hope you guys are liking it. I hope it makes sense and is not too boring. Keep smiling x!  -Melanie 


Hey! Hope your weekend's are all going good :) I plan on updating tomorrow, I am finishing up writing the chapter and making sure there isn't too many mistakes lol. 
           Also! Christmas is coming so so quickly and I still need to get my family and friends their gifts :P I'm so slow on this stuff..oops. Anyway, thanks for reading my story and I hope it's not too boring or horrible. Feel free to give me feedback on it :) -Melanie


Hey guys! So I am actually writing up the next chapter of Number 25! So sorry it's taken so long to update..a lot has been going on. Anyway the next chapter is going to be pretty serious and it's hard to write since I want to make it perfect. The topic is not the happiest which makes it even harder to write, I don't want to over look anything or make it seem like it's too unrealistic. 
          Anyway, it's a tough chapter that I will try to end in a somewhat happy note but I'm not done with it yet. I will hopefully get it done tonight and update tonight. 
          Thanks for reading it if you have! Hope you are enjoying it :) -Melanie