
Well, here we are, it took me a month, I was gone, I had lots of school stuff to do, but I managed to publish another (rather long) chapter of troubled waters, and I am pretty happy about it. I cannot guarantee anything, as I will continue to have periods of absence and periods of intense school work, but I will try to fit back into my regular update schedule. Thank you for your patience and for reading!


Well, here we are, it took me a month, I was gone, I had lots of school stuff to do, but I managed to publish another (rather long) chapter of troubled waters, and I am pretty happy about it. I cannot guarantee anything, as I will continue to have periods of absence and periods of intense school work, but I will try to fit back into my regular update schedule. Thank you for your patience and for reading!


Hello everyone,
          Here we are again with the next chapter of my FierroChaseAU, written in the night before school starts again... I really like how the story is going now, I inivite you to read and share your thought with me :) 
          Have a nice day!


I've published two more chapters, adding up to a total of 20. I am astonished both that I held my promise from a few days ago and that I have reached this number of chapters! I'll write another one tomorrow and post it sometime next week-end, because I won't be able to write during the next two weeks. 
          As always, thank you for reading and appreciating and enjoy the new chapters!