
@BlueJayCanuck yeah. Watching the Leafs/Bruins game now. Boston just tied it 1-1


Hey thanks for adding The Baseball Badass to your list, I hope you enjoy it, and it causes you massive fits of uncontrollable laughter. Tell me what ya think, yeh? 
          Much love. RunAwayLovey :) 
          P.s. Yay for baseball fans, and I thought it was wicked you have citenzship in Neverland, how do you even do that? ;P


Instant follow as soon as I saw your profile pic! GO JAYS GO! Poor Reyes...and yike the Jays aren't doing very well. I'm glad Lawrie's back, he's always awesome to have around. Okay, Jays, baby steps, but really, the pitching, and the D (although it's pretty common to have D issues when there's a bunch of new players)....and we need some TIMELY HITTING!!