
I wasn't able to announce it last night, but Chapter 24 of His Possession is out for you all to read! Hope you enjoy!!


@brownhair_bronte thank you for the update of the book author 


Could you write a book about gianna or Ryker? Maybe both??
          Because I loved that series




@Beautyfool120 Hi! Gianna won't be getting her own book but Ryker will! I've already started writing it, but I haven't decided on where/how/when I will publish it :)


The last Bonus Chapter for Loving the Quarterback is out now!! Happy reading! (my author's note will be published in a few minutes as well so stay tuned for that :)


Amazing chapters hope we get there book soon 


Hey! I have started writing his book, but I haven't decided on publishing yet. His storyline more closely follows the version of the Break Me trilogy that I published on Amazon, so I haven't decided on whether or not I will publish on here yet :)


@brownhair_bronte hey just curious.. when do you think u will be writing rykers book


Guy's, I'm currently writing Emilia's POV for the last bonus chapter and I love being in her head. I honestly haven't stopped laughing this whole time LOL


@ brownhair_bronte  Aww, can't wait ❤️


Chapter 23 of HIs Possession is out now!!! Happy reading!!! Xx


@20Randomreading24 hi love, I am working on it but I'm not entirely sure when it will be done. Definitely before the end of the month :)


Hi thank you for the chapter can’t wait!  to read it but when are you gonna post the last chapter of loving the quarterback?


Hey everyone! Quick thing! I absolutely do not mind at all promoting other people's stories on here, but please dm me to ask before you do. Some things can be triggering to people and above anything else I want everyone in this community to feel safe <3


Hello, Ashley. I’ve read your book Break Me, and I liked a lot. It was an emotionally charged story; your writing style was evocative, using detailed descriptions to create a raw and often intense atmosphere. The pacing was a strong point too, and one of the key strengths was the character development—the growth Vanessa experienced throughout the story made her journey feel earned. This will resonate with fans of stories that explore deeper emotional conflicts and the process of coming to terms with one’s past. I believe this work of yours has potential. So, if you're interested in having this published, FREE of charge, you can check out our contact details through this link:
          We would love to hear from you!


Hi Everyone!
          Just a quick update from me: I am currently working on finishing up Fix Me's manuscript for it's published release in April (YAY) which is why I've taken a small break from updating stories here since I'm also in semester and don't want to stretch myself too thin. I will be finished writing Fix Me's manuscript this week, so next week I will get started on Chapter 23 of His Possession and the last Bonus Chapter for Loving the Quarterback (crying real tears for that one) but those chapters will be out soon, I promise! (I haven't forgotten about you guys!!)
          Next, I have people asking about Sophie and Austin's book. There is an 85% chance that they will have a book. And if you haven't noticed, that's the reason I don't mention any of their kids names in Loving the Quarterback or Alina's book Forever Yours. When I started writing Loving the Quarterback I was already thinking of names for Sophie and Austin's book, so I'm pretty sure that is a book you guys have to look forward to, but because I'm swamped with so many other writing projects I'm not sure when I'll get to it.
          There is also an 85% chance that Hazel and Logan's kids will have a book. It will probably be collective; just one book for them specifically with all their POV's to develop each of their storylines. As I write their bonus chapters I get more and more connected to their characters and love interests. But again, I'm swamped with projects so I'm not 100% sure the timeline of when I'll be able to write it.
          Thanks for being so patient with me! Right now my focus is on getting out chapters for His Possession and following up the duet with His Obsession. More news to come!
          Love you guys!


Can’t wait I love ur books we love you don’t stress your self we’re waiting for you❤️


@ brownhair_bronte  Yaaaayyy ❤️


Chapter 22 of His Possession is out now!! Hope you enjoy!


@brownhair_bronte hi honey thank you wish you all the best I hope your enjoying yourself and not stressing yourself out


@20Randomreading24 hi love, sorry about the delay in posting. I've been busy writing the new version of Fix Me and haven't had much time for much else. I plan to write those chapters as soon as I'm done with Fix Me, so they should both be out around the end of this month <3


@brownhair_bronte when are you posting chapter 23? 
            And in loving the quarterback story the last bonus chapter?