
Now I can’t wait until Fridays.


I'll take a break from writing my main novels by creating a love project I don't have to worry about selling. It's a good stress reliever. Turns out, I finished one not too long ago, and I'd like to share it here every Friday.
          Still needs editing, but I'll be able to do each part if given a week to work on it. If you like Sci-Fi, give it a quick read. I truly enjoyed tuning into this piece of work to escape into my happy place.
          Anyway, hope to see you Friday.


Psst, hey kid, come here. Let's make a deal.
          Episode 2 is much, much larger than initially anticipated. So let's make a deal. This coming Friday, the 15th I believe, will release a part of Episode 2 for you to enjoy. It'll get all the privileges of revision and edits so you're not reading trash, but I'm not entirely done writing the whole episode yet.
          The deal, a compensation really, is that I'll revise/edit every part I have written and release them on a schedule of Fridays, but if I run out of script before the final ending is done, you'll have to wait for me to finish/revise/edit.
          Deal? Deal!
          See you Friday.
          (On a subnote, I'd like to apologize for the delays. There's no excuse.)


@ Strange_Nicnac  Amazing  


Thank you all for following me on the journey of Season 1 for Skirted Spies. Season 2 will take some time to properly be constructed and developed, so in the mean time I hope I can keep you entertained with The Family Heirloom.
          Thank you once again. I'm eternally grateful.


Guys, I'd just like to let you all know that Skirted Spies hit 3,000 reads!
          I know that it's not the biggest number, but I'm still eternally grateful for everyone that gives original content a try. So thank you, everyone, for taking an interest in my works. It means a lot to me.