
I wont be able to update DOE for a while because my laptop charger broke :/ I'm so sorry! Please stay with me! I'll work on it at my friends or the library when I can! 


I have SOTS planned out finally! What I'm writing now is just the 1800s, it's more of a long prolouge that an actual book in it's own. There are two or three more chapters coming from that and then I'll start moving on, like the 20s or now. If I write right now i'll probably follow along with the series somewhat but I'll definitely change it up. Thank you to the people that have stood by me with it and I hope you share it with other people! Everyone loves new readers(:


Well...I'm back! I don't know how much I'll be able to write most of my books considering I reread them and decided that I hate them. I'll keep going with SOTS and post one-shots every once in a while though. Sorry for the long break and I hope this summer will give me lots of time to update.


I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while! With school starting and all, I haven't had time to write. I know all you people are looking forward to all of my stuff!! I'll be uploaded HDS soon, I'm working on Unnoticed too but LFC won't be uploaded for a while, I'm sorry if you like it but it's on my other computer and I'm not able to get on there very often!


Okay, I know I haven't uploaded my Damon fanfic in a while but that's because it's kind of just for fun. I'm mostly working on The Unnoticed and LFC, I'm about halfway done with chapter three and I'll upload as soon as I can, for all three of them...until then, bye y'all