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also for anyone trying to argue that anna’s situation with jordan is that same is off their rocker. putting aside the time both couples have spent together, because in trueness, that doesn’t matter at all. anna cracked on with ovie because she thought he was a better fit for her than jordan was. michael cracked in with joanna because he thought she was a better fit for him than amber was. both are fair enough. but anna did not once slag off jordan and pick apart his flaws as a way to justify her wanting to pursue ovie. she excepted that it would probably hurt jordan, but she owned her choice and didn’t pass the blame onto anyone but herself. michael on the other hand blamed amber at every chance that he could. instead of just saying that he found someone he got on with better, he said very bad thing he could think of about amber to try and make himself feel better about what he was doing, and pushing all blame onto her instead, and trying to make her out to be the bad guy. so they are absolutely fucking not the same, and i will not be swayed. jordan and anna are still friends, and michael and amber will not be, i think that kind of speaks for itself