
If you haven't noticed already I'm Back!!!
          	If you want to learn more you can check out the newest A/N chapter of IRD and it'll tell y'all a brief plan of whats to expect as well as some future planned things and goals that I have for the future.


I apologize for not posting a chapter like I thought I’d be able to: I had the time, just not the drive. 
          And now I’ll be going back to training and I won’t have the time to write, but I’ll be making an actual plan as to where I want to go with IRD next, and I’ll be continuing to work on my second book that I plan to release to everyone when I’m out. 
          It’s going to be good and I hope that I’ve done a good job with it so far. 


@buddy227 it didn’t let me log into it


What happened? 


@buddy227 this is Night_Fyre, my account had technical difficulties so I had to remake an account


Hello everyone!! 
          I’ve gotten a short break from training so after taking a week now of just doing things I’ve wanted and relaxing for a while I’ve been thinking of trying to get something going for IRD (at least temporarily). 
          I’ll have to go back to training after the New Year but that’s another week away thankfully and I don’t really have much planned for the next few days. As I was, I’ll have to go back to training so I can’t get too much out online but I’ll try to put out a chapter at the very least before going back again. 
          Though I should be online again in a few months afterwards once I’m done training…I’ll update y’all more when it comes! 


@buddy227 good luck with your training next year


Finally a Soldier!!
          Just Graduated from basic and I get a few days to do what I want so I get to tell y’all that I’m still alive, going strong and I’ll be updating my stories again in a few weeks if I’m lucky. 
          At most it’ll be a god four or five months when I’m done with Basic Part 2…


this message may be offensive
@buddy227  Good shit, have fun,my freind! But not too much fun lol  


Little hello just to prove that I’m not dead. I’m still in training and this is all I can do. 


@Newellag44 when I’m out I’ll be getting back to my Patreon stories and then I’ll see about time for other stories other than that. 


Everyone I leave for Basic Today. 
          If you wish, wish me luck please. Otherwise, know that I’ll be back for my stories when I can. 
          Thanks to you all!


@buddy227 Everyone will see you again soon.


@buddy227 I wish you the best of luck


So I’ve been thinking about my most recent book and whether I sold publish all of my chapters before I leave or not. 
          And (just so no one comments about wanting them lol) I’ve decided I’m just going to. You all will get a sneak peek of the second volume and when I’m back I’ll hopefully have a lot of inspiration waiting for me. 
          They’ll all be up by 8am tomorrow. 


So as the title says I’ve gotten into the Army, and that means a lot will be changing. I’ll be having a lot to do over the next few weeks and will likely not be able to write since the house still needs to be finished and I need to work out more than I have to get ready for shipping out.
          Anyways what this means is that all further chapters I publish on Patreon will be labeled as Public until further notice (if anyone can see them). All billing will be paused as to not be getting money that I haven’t earned from when I leave, and I’ll likely be radio silent after a certain time.
          I want to say here that joining the military will hopefully not have a negative effect on my writing, and anything that I have started will be eventually finished, but it’s all just going to be put on pause until I get the time to come back.
          I want to end this with a huge THANK YOU to all that have joined my Patreon thus far, that have paid to read ahead however mana y chapter, and to those that have stayed with me up till this moment and maybe even further along the line.
          I would not be a better writer without every one of my readers and I will cherish you all.


@Night_Fyre Wattpads been on a slow decline for a while, but it could just be a bug. 


Everything calming back down a little now, so hopefully I'll be in a better mood to write more, or at least try to. 
          Anyways I just realized upon seeing what I wanted to do with the story that I completely forgot to schedule the next set of chatpers for this week in all the chaos that was this weekend and these past few days. (Today is the only day I've really had off so I'm trying to balance between doing things around the house and writing a little). 
          The next set of chatpers are scheduled now though lol, but I also have other news:
          I'm going to be trying to get into the military! I've been trying to for quite a few years now and life always has seemed to want to either slow me down or just plain get in the way, but I'm determined to at least try and hopefully that'll go well. 
          Only problem is that I just had a small argument with my recruiter due to having to spend a year on and off of planning to finish things up and it's been incredibly strefful for me in that aspect of things. Not only and I helping a family member get their new place finished, since it still isn't, but I'm also trying to keep my writing going and plan for my own future, so that's been...something.


I think you can get into ROTC through them, but you would have to ask about that. IDK


@Night_Fyre Cool. 
            I hope you have an easier time than I did :)


So I’m finally in the new place and things are settling down a bit. Realizing now that I forgot to update everyone here and just did so for my Patreon…Anyways I’ll be getting to the older story I have on ScribbleHub as soon as I feel I’m back in a comfortable place with IRD. And I’ll be seeing if I can revamp some of my older stories here. 
          Provided ask the things that have to be cleaned Ave other things were have to do around the house don’t crush that underfoot and burn the remains to ash…