Everything calming back down a little now, so hopefully I'll be in a better mood to write more, or at least try to.
Anyways I just realized upon seeing what I wanted to do with the story that I completely forgot to schedule the next set of chatpers for this week in all the chaos that was this weekend and these past few days. (Today is the only day I've really had off so I'm trying to balance between doing things around the house and writing a little).
The next set of chatpers are scheduled now though lol, but I also have other news:
I'm going to be trying to get into the military! I've been trying to for quite a few years now and life always has seemed to want to either slow me down or just plain get in the way, but I'm determined to at least try and hopefully that'll go well.
Only problem is that I just had a small argument with my recruiter due to having to spend a year on and off of planning to finish things up and it's been incredibly strefful for me in that aspect of things. Not only and I helping a family member get their new place finished, since it still isn't, but I'm also trying to keep my writing going and plan for my own future, so that's been...something.