
this message may be offensive
Perk up =) if people say mean things its only cause they're jealous or insecure about them selves... besides this is a fucked up world where media makes everyone believe that you need to be a stick or pile on tons of makeup to be beautiful when in reality none of it matters cause in the end we are all gorgeous. We can tell by our actions and how we treat others. As cheesy as it sounds its what's on the inside that matters. Well my rant is over guess I needed to get this off my chest 


You are NOT worthless. Underline it 3 times. Because you are worth it. Once I was bullied, just like you. I don't judge people by the way they look. And neither should THEY.


@MyChemicalRxmance_02 well ACTUALLY u never saw a pic of her sooooo *put hands up I defense* just pointin out the facts


Omg you aren't worthless! !!!


this message may be offensive
@BULLYINGISBADSOILUVU  YES listen to the koala, u are full of worth. If I sold u, the minute I put u on display u would be l sold out and I'd be rich (okay,forget the last part) (wait can I actually do that) literally man, I broke. *thinks* OH SHIT, give me yo address. Okay let me stop, I'm not a serial killer. This comment is just crazy, don't read it. How am I goin to post that at the END of the comment, ur already readin it. *thinks* okay I'm dun