Hi Everyone! I feel another update on my progress on Blood is deserved. I've made progress! The first scene of the next chapter is written! I've also got Rand's motives down pretty well now. I think I know what I want to do with her character. The problem? I'm not sure how to progress the plot. Since starting the fic, the plot and focus has changed dramatically. I had an initial plot, I then changed it, I then lost those notes due to computer failure, and now I want to take the plot in a different direction once again. Buuuut....I don't know how to do that without completely re-writing the fic. There's a lot that I've put in as foreshadowing or plot points that is now actively pushing me into a corner in terms of how I can progress the plot. I could stop caring and just introduce inconsistencies from this point forward, but that doesn't feel right. So I'm at a bit of a crossroad. I don't know whether to pour my time and effort into finding my way forward with what I've already established, or bite the bullet and sacrifice progress and potentially my audience to re-write the previous chapters and then continue from there. I desperately want to write out this idea that's in my head and deliver on the promise I've made to all you wonderful patient readers, but I just don't know how best to do that. If you're a reader of Blood, I would love to hear your opinions on how I should progress with this fic. Would you rather I build upon what I've aready written, or would you rather I re-work what I've done, re-release it under a separate fic, and then continue from there? Also, let me know if you think I should post this announcement into the fic itself. I don't want to get people's hopes up with a notification signalling an update...but I post to AO3 and Tumblr as well as Wattpad and so I don't know how else to get their input. Thank you to everyone who's been patiently waiting for an update and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

@bungou-stray-haikyuu I've been reading and enjoying every single update on this fic, which is also the longest I've ever stayed committed to one. I really love what you've done, and I think it would be wonderful if you continued upon what's already written. I haven't been on Wattpad a while bc of school, but this is always what I come back to. So, whatever you decide, I'll continue reading for sure! Thank you for spending so much time making it as well.