
The moments you lose your love for one of the most popular books that you wrote and you just finally's the end and you've dragged it out as much as you could have. It's a sucky ending but at least it ended and it helped me grow as a writer. Literally I cringe at the things I wrote when I first got here....


what you said on dylanpoptarts page was rude and ignorant... if you knew how to read then you’d know that in the description it says that some imagines are taken from tumblr she did give credit


@IzzyCruz11 lol I can't remember what I posted and to be honest, I don't care. After I found the post on Tumblr, I came to the book here.I CAREFULLY read the description of the book along with the stolen work; at the time I did, there was no credit. Besides some people don't like when their work is credited without being notified before the publishing which in the tumblr post was clear that they were unaware. Maybe you saw the comment after credit was applied but I don't regret what I said and I never will. But you can keep your opinion and I will keep mine 


The moments you lose your love for one of the most popular books that you wrote and you just finally's the end and you've dragged it out as much as you could have. It's a sucky ending but at least it ended and it helped me grow as a writer. Literally I cringe at the things I wrote when I first got here....


SOO today is my 17th birthday. Two more years left of being a teenager.


@CaitsyMichelle13 You're welcome! Enjoy the day :)