hai!! #hacked and hanging with the best!!!!! love you cam (as a friend) he dosent know im doing this.shhh @Batman_Robin123
<3 lol im batman
What's the haps?
Lol, I'm Cameron, but you can call me Cam.
I'm 16, turning 17 soon.
I'm bisexual.
Taken <3
My sister: @Hayden_Sykes (Go follow, she's cool)
I'm really nice, I guess.
My dad's gay.
I like spoons and food, lol.
I smoke.
I'm abused.
I don't really mind it if you want to talk.
I think I know how to treat people, but I've lost so many, I don't think I really do.
That's all, I guess...
Read more about me in my bio book.
I'm out.
R.I.P. Cameron Edward Parks. </3
I don't know how many of you knew him, but he was the best. I know he's helped many people, me being one of them. He's the best. He's touched so many lives. He'll be missed. <3 Love you, Cameron. More than you'll ever know, big brother.
- rotting in a grave, somewhere in hell
- IscrittoJanuary 13, 2015
Iscriviti ed entra a fare parte della più grande comunità di narrativa al mondo

i hope yu guys are happy. cam is on life support. i hope yu guys are fucking happy. hes my brother. why would you fucking do that to him? seriously.Visualizza tutte le conversazioni
Storie di Cameron Parks
- 4 storie pubblicate

Love. It's such a simple word. Only four letters. Then why, WHY does it make such an impact on human lives? T...