
i think its so crazy y’all still reading these books and its been a little over a year since writing them


i am a young black girl. everyday, my people of color, my brothers and sisters, have their heads swiveling constantly; fearing the moment that their breath could be taken. the hands of police officers have wrongfully murdered, beaten, and convicted us. the hands of people whose complexion resembles paper, have wronged us, lynched, hung, beaten and enslaved us. we have fought for more than our freedom, we continue to fight to simply be treated as humans. we don’t say black lives matter to make you believe that all others dont. we solely say it because how can all lives matter when black ones dont? our fight does not end here. they have tried to silence us. but we will continue to stand proud, and stay loud. 
          we pray for justice and strength to those who have lost family and friends. 
          our fight is not over.  #blacklivesmatter  #justiceforgeorgefloyd