
We just published chapter 6 and 7 that worked very hard on! 
          	Sorry for the late update, we've been busy these past weeks.
          	Hope  you give it read! Don't forget to vote, comment and keep reading. This is just beginning....


          Hope you are doing well.
          Sorry for promoting on your page but I am helpless. I am Ana and I write stories on my page. Would you please check out my books? One is a fantasy called 'A quest to the Borat' and one romance called 'the actual beginning'. Please do not just vote for them. Do read them. My readers have told me they are nice stories.
          I love votes and reading comments on the chapters.
          Stay safe


Just published chapter 5! You should check it out :)


At the moment we are editing chapter 6 and working on chapter 7. Currently, we have for some reason found it harder than usual to work as much on this wattpad. However, we can asure you that chapter 6 is soon to be published 
            - stay tuned darlings! :)


We are really excited to see our book slowly, but surely growing! At the moment we have 4 chapters published. So, make sure to read and vote for all of them as  we are working on chapters 5, 6 and 7 - stay tuned. Overall we appreciate all the love and support! <3