
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you put in the time . . .
          	McEver, Page 55! It's up! Take a look! Lemme know what you find. 


Obviously I suck at posting on Fridays. 
          In my defense, I spent my lunch on Friday building a draft deck for MTG with a few of my coworkers (I ended up going black/red/white . . . we'll see how it goes).
          Oh well. Better late than never, right?
          Pages 50 and 51 are now posted!


I’m getting back into the original writing style of this story: handwritten single pages, where every word is set in stone as it flows from the tip of the pen. These pieces might be small, but I find them to be so much more authentic and they truly are the heart of the tale called McEver. 
          Page 40 is up! You should check it out :)


So I know this is one of the most delayed updates in the history of ever, but I’m really excited about where the story is going. Page 35 of McEver is up. Check it out and don’t be afraid to vote or comment to let me know what you think!


Christmas vacation has finally arrived, which means I finally have time to write. It’s been too long, I know. But today I returned to the Factories. Page 34 of McEver is up. Thank you guys so much for continuing to follow this crazy story. Please vote or comment to let me know what you think!